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Issue # 43-5



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Magazines - Back Issues
NSTCW Vol. 43 No. 2
Item #: NST43-2
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"The Camel Corps,” photography by Stephen W. Sylvia, artifacts courtesy the family of M. Patton Echols, Jr.  Please see the cover story by John M. Chapman on p. 24.


24 Cover Story: From Camels to the Confederacy—
Maj. William Echols, Topograpical Engineer by John M. Chapman
The fascinating story about an officer's experience with the great camel experiment

34 Williams Rapid-Fire Ammo Unearthed
by Ransom Hundley
Sometimes what appears to be "junk” is anything but 

40 One Site, Many Residents
by David R. Gascoyne
A Florida site gives up Seminole War and Civil War artifacts  

48 Pvt. William Scott, 14th Virginia:
History Comes Full Circle  
by Robert Snell
Two families were long connected by the death of a Rebel 
soldier and now, at last, the descendants meet 

60 "My Father's Daguerreotype”
Col. Ephraim B. Breedlove, 45th Alabama  
by Daniel J. Binder
A veteran's daughter kindly wrote down the
identity of a man in civilian garb

66 William Barrett Blair:
From West Point to US to CS to VMI   
by Nancy Dearing Rossbacher
Research into a simple 
letter reveals a far greater 
history than imagined at 
first glance

Shipping Weight: 0.02 lb
Your Price$8.00 USD

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