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Issue # 43-5



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Magazines - Back Issues
NSTCW Vol. 42 No. 6
Item #: NST42-6
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"Robert A. Cooper, 140th Pennsylvaniaā€¯ features his cap, long sought after and finally acquired by collector Michael R. Cunningham, and his in-uniform image.  Cap image by Michael R. Cunningham, courtesy the Michael R. Cunningham Collection.  Hand-tinted tintype of Philip Cooper courtesy David Cooper.  
Please see the cover story on p. 26.


26 Chasing the Red Shamrock
by Michael R. Cunningham, Ph.D.
Dogged persistence pays off for the acquisition of the 
cap of Philip Cooper, 140th Pennsylvania

42 Vicksburg Army of Relief Camp
by Bill Garbo
When the orders came to vacate after the
city's surrender, they left a lot behind 

52 The Presentation Sword of 
James T, Wyatt
by James S. Armstrong
New York's Havelock Battery managed a crude 
etching and heartfelt presentation in camp 
at Culpeper, Virginia  

64 DIV 50: Golden Jubilee Hunt   
by Stephen W. Sylvia
A suitable celebration of the well-established
effort to rescue relics

Shipping Weight: 0.02 lb
Your Price$8.00 USD

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