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Issue # 43-5



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Magazines - Back Issues
NSTCW Vol. 41 No. 4
Item #: NST41-4
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COVER"Camp Letter by Candelight,” photograph by Stephen W. Sylvia, assisted by Bob Painter.   Artifacts courtesy J.S. Mosby Antiques, Dave Kleiner, Raphael Eledge, and Robert French.  Please see our cover story on the inkwell on p. 38.               


22           Death at Vicksburg   by Jeff Goodson                             

A colonel's Colt dragoon leads a collector on a poignant journey              

30           Share the Relics: Landowners Need Love Too by Josh Tyree                              

Generosity is the hallmark of the history-minded relic hunter                

38           COVER STORY:   Sharpshooter Artifacts by Nancy Dearing Rossbacher                             

Two items surfaced, and both turned out to be related to Berdan's vaunted troops              

50           One Sharps, Two Soldiers  by Carl F. Rost                             

The unusual travels of a firearm              

58           Relic Hunting Seminar III  by Stephen W. Sylvia                             

The energetic Class of August 2019 graduates with honors              

64           The Seely Patent Capper by Frederick C. Gaede                                                 

A rare item that might be unfairly relegated to the category of relic "junk” 


From the Trenches          3

Incoming!            8

Field Recoveries               10

Publisher's Forum           20

NSTCW on the Road       70

Traders' Corner                74

Collectors' Calendar        75

Shipping Weight: 0.2 lb
Your Price$8.00 USD

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Most orders are shipped within 24 hours, but we ask that you allow a reasonable period of time for delivery.

If you have ordered an antique weapon or artifact from our website please be advised that these guns are sold strictly as collectible antiques. We recommend that these relics and weapons be enjoyed and appreciated for their historical significance and not ever fired. By ordering you are acknowledging these facts, warnings and assume full responsibility for your personal actions with regard to them.

We DO NOT sell modern guns, all our inventory will be pre 1898 and are classified by the (ATF) Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms as antiques and require no government paperwork to own.