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Issue # 43-5



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Magazines - Back Issues
NSTCW Vol. 41 No. 3
Item #: NST41-3
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COVER "The Arming of a Confederate Scout,” photography by Shannon Pritchard, who also penned the cover story on p. 38.


22 Petersburg: Undiscovered Museum Treasure by Ben Greenbaum

The combined efforts of public-spirited and history-minded people bring a city's past to life

34 JGD Hunt at Jeffersonton: A Harvest of Relics by Stephen W. Sylvia

Artifacts attest to the soldiers' presence

38 COVER STORY: The Arming of a Confederate Scout by Shannon Pritchard

They took what they could get— and sometimes it was a beauty

50 Florida Time Capsule by David Gascoyne

Centuries of habitation surface

58 Peace Flask Discovery by Daniel J. Binder

Correcting the record

62 Dubuque in the Civil War by Thomas Hilton Zuccaro

The Midwest hosted more action than you might think


From the Trenches 3

Incoming! 8

Field Recoveries 10

Publisher's Forum 24

NSTCW on the Road 70

Contest Results 72

Traders' Corner 74

Collectors' Calendar 75

Shipping Weight: 0.2 lb
Your Price$8.00 USD

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