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Magazines - Back Issues
NSTCW Vol. 38 No. 4
Item #: NST38-4
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"Lt. Albert Eastman, 1st Maine Heavy Artilleryā€¯: artifacts courtesy Gettysburg National Military Park; photo, Jennifer Weaver. Please see our cover story by Gregory Goodell on p. 34.


Confederate Brass:

Collectors Unite for a Display

by Stephen W. Sylvia

More plates than at Appomattox

Anderson Troop Colts

by Charles Pate

Examples from above and below ground

Cover Story

Survivors: The Artifacts of Lt. Albert

Eastman, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery

by R. Gregory Goodell

From the vaults at Gettsyburg

Bayonets, Part IV:

Confederate Socket Bayonets

by Paul D. Johnson

The groundbreaking series continues

DIV 28: Brandy Station Bonanza

by Steve Moore

Coin caches and sunny skies

Shipping Weight: 0.2 lb
Your Price$8.00 USD

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Most orders are shipped within 24 hours, but we ask that you allow a reasonable period of time for delivery.

If you have ordered an antique weapon or artifact from our website please be advised that these guns are sold strictly as collectible antiques. We recommend that these relics and weapons be enjoyed and appreciated for their historical significance and not ever fired. By ordering you are acknowledging these facts, warnings and assume full responsibility for your personal actions with regard to them.

We DO NOT sell modern guns, all our inventory will be pre 1898 and are classified by the (ATF) Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms as antiques and require no government paperwork to own.